「34」Go memory leak about RSS
今天收到了封邮件 Go 1.16 release:
进去了看了看全部的特性,发现有个关于memory leak「RSS」相关的issues,去看看关于Go的RSS到底是怎么计算的,
runtime: memory leaked observed in go program #40448
这个起了5个goroutine协程来处理请求,但是请求处理结束后,RAM并没有趋于稳定或者降低.导致了看似的memory leak.
- 描述:
1 | The current minimum heap size of a Go program is 4mb. In addition to this the operating system threads that back goroutines should be added to that as well as some non heap memory used by the runtime. In your case this may be somewhere between 7 and 9mb. |
- runtime/debug.SetGCPercent (设置gc的百分比,-1为不GC)
- runtime.GC (调用系统GC)
- runtime/debug.FreeOSMemory (accelerate the pace of returning unused pages to the OS)
毕竟有句话: 空间换时间